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TM-E Model – Automatic Door Conveyor

Modèle TM-E – Convoyeur à porte automatique The TM-E model is an automatic door conveyor equipped with non-marking urethane rollers that allow it to perform the loading or unloading of doors in a production line. This equipment is interconnected with other EuGénie products to ensure the optimal operation of the KS-C or KS-S production lines, from the KATHY Series. KEY FEATURES – Motorized non-marking urethane rollers – Height adjusted for next machine alignment and best ergonomy – Multiple customizable options – Solid structure FIND OUT MORE Product Video SOLID STRUCTURE NO-SCRATCH & IDEAL HEIGHT DOOR REFERENCING INTUITIVE SOFTWARE SOLID STRUCTURE SOLID STRUCTURE Required on all EuGénie machines, the structure is very robust. It effectively supports heavy doors and sturdy movements. Made from high quality materials, as simple as this automatic door conveyor can be, its complex components are upscale. The TM-E can be placed anywhere in a production line. NO-SCRATCH & IDEAL HEIGHT NO-SCRATCH & IDEAL HEIGHT To move the door, the operator places it on the rollers and then lets the conveyor transport the door automatically to the next machine. Thanks to its ergonomic height, it becomes easy to handle the door on the conveyor. The door can also be tilted forward on the side of the conveyor for easy removal, adding to the ergonomics of the TM-E. DOOR REFERENCING DOOR REFERENCING Also optional, it is possible to add an automatic referencing system with door measurement to validate the size of the door to the next machine, preventing possible human errors. The door referencing option can also be centred depending on the production flow of line and the alignment of the next machine. INTUITIVE SOFTWARE INTUITIVE SOFTWARE Also composed of non-marking urethane, the TM-E can be equipped with wheels on one side to align the door perfectly with the next machine in the production line. As the door automatically rolls its way, the wheels gently roll on the side of the door without leaving a single mark. TOOLS A-  Motorized non-marking urethane rollers Related Products TRACY Series – TG-C Manual Door Conveyor FIND OUT MORE KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE VICKY Series – VE-1 Door Loader / Unloader FIND OUT MORE

TM-I Model – Automatic Debris Conveyor

TM-I Model – Automatic Debris Conveyor The TM-I model is an automatic debris conveyor equipped high resistance mat that allows it to perform the unloading of door debris and cut-outs in a production line. The cut-out conveyor allows the production line to process without any interventions due to the cut-outs accumulation. A typical customer machining exterior doors would need to stop the machine after 8 to 10 doors to remove the cut-outs if they don’t have the TM-I model. The high resistance mat is ideal for steel and fiberglass cut-outs. This model is to go underneath the KS-S or KS-C models from the KATHY Series. KEY FEATURES – Motorized high resistance mat conveyor – Multi-directional transport wheels – Compatible with KS-S & KS-C models from KATHY Seriesv – Robust structure FIND OUT MORE Product Video HIGH RESISTANCE CONTINUOUS FLOW COMPATIBLE CONNECTIBLE HIGH RESISTANCE HIGH RESISTANCE Its compact and robust structure can support the weight and can withstand the fall of very heavy door cutouts. The TM-I model is an automatic debris conveyor equipped high resistance mat that allows it to perform the unloading of door debris and cut-outs in a production line. The high resistance mat is ideal for steel and fiberglass cut-outs. CONTINUOUS FLOW CONTINUOUS FLOW   The cut-out conveyor allows the production line to process without any interventions due to the debris accumulation. A typical customer machining exterior doors would need to stop the machine after 8 to 10 doors to remove the cut-outs if they don’t have the TM-I automatic debris conveyor. COMPATIBLE COMPATIBLE This automatic debris conveyor is interconnected with other EuGénie products to ensure the optimal operation of the KS-C or KS-S production lines. CONNECTIBLE CONNECTIBLE To remove the debris, the conveyor automatically receives a message from the associated machining center, either the KS-S or KS-C model from KATHY series, after each machining sequence. The operator can also manage the conveyor manually via the touchscreen of the connected machine. Tools A-  Motorized high resistance mat conveyor Related Products KATHY Series – KS-S Manual Door Conveyor FIND OUT MORE KATHY Series – KS-C Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE TRACY Series – TM-E Automatic Door Conveyor FIND OUT MORE

TM-E Model – Automatic Door Conveyor

TM-E Model – Automatic Door Conveyor The TM-E model is an automatic door conveyor equipped with non-marking urethane rollers that allow it to perform the loading or unloading of doors in a production line. This equipment is interconnected with other EuGénie products to ensure the optimal operation of the KS-C or KS-S production lines, from the KATHY Series. KEY FEATURES – Motorized non-marking urethane rollers – Height adjusted for next machine alignment and best ergonomy – Multiple customizable options – Solid structure FIND OUT MORE Product Video Robustness Power Flexibility Easy to Use Technical Specifications Robustness SOLID STRUCTURE Required on all EuGénie machines, the structure is very robust. It effectively supports heavy doors and sturdy movements. Made from high quality materials, as simple as this automatic door conveyor can be, its complex components are upscale. The TM-E can be placed anywhere in a production line. NO-SCRATCH & IDEAL HEIGHT To move the door, the operator places it on the rollers and then lets the conveyor transport the door automatically to the next machine. Thanks to its ergonomic height, it becomes easy to handle the door on the conveyor. The door can also be tilted forward on the side of the conveyor for easy removal, adding to the ergonomics of the TM-E. DOOR REFERENCING Also optional, it is possible to add an automatic referencing system with door measurement to validate the size of the door to the next machine, preventing possible human errors. The door referencing option can also be centred depending on the production flow of line and the alignment of the next machine. INTUITIVE SOFTWARE Also composed of non-marking urethane, the TM-E can be equipped with wheels on one side to align the door perfectly with the next machine in the production line. As the door automatically rolls its way, the wheels gently roll on the side of the door without leaving a single mark. Power NO-SCRATCH & IDEAL HEIGHT To move the door, the operator places it on the rollers and then lets the conveyor transport the door automatically to the next machine. Thanks to its ergonomic height, it becomes easy to handle the door on the conveyor. The door can also be tilted forward on the side of the conveyor for easy removal, adding to the ergonomics of the TM-E. Flexibility DOOR REFERENCING Also optional, it is possible to add an automatic referencing system with door measurement to validate the size of the door to the next machine, preventing possible human errors. The door referencing option can also be centred depending on the production flow of line and the alignment of the next machine. Easy to Use INTUITIVE SOFTWARE Also composed of non-marking urethane, the TM-E can be equipped with wheels on one side to align the door perfectly with the next machine in the production line. As the door automatically rolls its way, the wheels gently roll on the side of the door without leaving a single mark. Technical Specifications Coming Soon Tools A-  Motorized non-marking urethane rollers Related Products TRACY Series – TG-C Manual Door Conveyor FIND OUT MORE KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE VICKY Series – VE-1 Door Loader / Unloader FIND OUT MORE

TG-C Model – Manual Door Conveyor

TG-C Model – Manual Door Conveyor The TG-C model is a manual door conveyor equipped with non-marking urethane rollers that allow it to perform the loading or unloading of doors in a production line. This equipment is interconnected with other EuGénie products to ensure the optimal operation of the KS-C or KS-S production lines, from the KATHY Series. KEY FEATURES – Non-marking urethane rollers – Optional non-marking side alignment wheels – Door detection laser – Manual door stop at conveyor’s end – Height adjusted for next machine alignment and best ergonomy – Solid structure FIND OUT MORE Product Video ROBUST NON-SCRATCHING & ERGONOMIC DOOR DETECTION PERFECT ALIGNMENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ROBUST ROBUST Required on all EuGénie machines, the structure is very robust. This manual door conveyor supports heavy doors and sturdy movements efficiently. Made from high quality material, as simple as this model can be, its complex components are top of the line. NON-SCRATCHING & ERGONOMIC NON-SCRATCHING & ERGONOMIC The TG-C model is a manual conveyor equipped with non-marking urethane rollers that allow it to perform the loading or unloading of doors in a production line. Thanks to its ergonomic height of 34″, it becomes easy to manipulate the door on and off the conveyor. DOOR DETECTION DOOR DETECTION A door detection laser system is installed on the side of the door conveyor and connected to the next machine. This latter allows a signal to be sent to the next machine letting it know there is a door on the conveyor and making the production line more efficient. It also prevents any collisions between doors in the process.  PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERFECT ALIGNMENT Also composed of non-marking urethane, the TG-C can be equipped with wheels on one side to align the door perfectly with the next machine in the production line. As the door rolls its way manually, the wheels gently roll on the side of the door without leaving a single mark. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height: 3 – 3′ 4″ Length: 8′ 4″ Width: 5′ 4″ Footprint: 44.44 sq. ft. Weight: 480 lbs Door width capacity: 9 3/4 – 48″ Max door height capacity: 96″ Door thickness capacity: 1 3/8 – 2 1/2″ Tools A-  Non-marking urethane rollers Related Products TRACY Series – TM-E Automatic Door Conveyor FIND OUT MORE KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE VICKY Series – VE-1 Door Loader / Unloader FIND OUT MORE

Vl-1 Model – Door Loader / Unloader

Vl-1 Model – Door Loader / Unloader The VE-1 model is controlled by two servomotors that allow it to perform the loading or unloading of doors on a production line. This equipment is interconnected with other EuGénie products to ensure the optimal operation of the KATHY production lines.  KEY FEATURES – Automatic 2-axis servo control movement for accurate and quick positioning – Two suction cups covered with foam pads – User-friendly numerical control software steel and fibreglass – Non-marking urethane rollers on conveyor – Door width automatic reading FIND OUT MORE Product Video STURDY STRONG BUT GENTLE FULL SECURITY CLEVER STURDY STURDY The VE-1 model is controlled by two servomotors that allow it to perform the loading or unloading of doors on a production line. The hull is made of rigid side panels. STRONG BUT GENTLE STRONG BUT GENTLE Each door is subsequently raised and moved by the suction lift system. The latter is composed of an engine of 6.3 kW, a powerful blower and a lifting column. The lifting force of the column is stronger than required to lift a door. The VE-1 model moves the full or pre-glazed doors with the same ease thanks to its ability to adjust the suction flow according to the door model. It can handle batches of 26 doors of 1¾’’ thick and weighing 240 pounds at the most. FULL SECURITY FULL SECURITY Optionally, it is also possible to increase the safety of the VE-1 model by equipping it with an infrared photoelectric barrier and mesh doors installed on the rear of the machine. It acts as an emergency stop device as soon as an object or person interrupts the light beam or opens the doors on the back. CLEVER CLEVER Optionally, this model can also be equipped with a barcode reader that is attached inside or outside the machine to further facilitate the operation. All operations can also be managed from the 12-inch colour touch screen installed on an independent console. The control interface is intuitive for operators. Tools A-  Vacuum lifting system equipped with suction cups B-  Foam pads Related Products KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE CLAIRE Series – EP-A Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE SANDY Series – SS-A Door Edge Machining Center FIND OUT MORE

KT-M Model – Door Cutting Center

KT-M Model – Door Cutting Center The KT-M is vertical and specializes in cutting doors and side panels. Its flexibility makes it possible to cut lengths and widths of doors and side panels. Its ergonomic design requires little space due to its small footprint of only 62 ft2. KEY FEATURES – Semi-manual model – 3 tools – Machinable materials: wood, PVC, steel and fibreglass – Anti-chipping clockwise and counterclockwise blades – Insulation removal router FIND OUT MORE Product Video SMALL & SAFE NEAT CUT FIRM GRIP, NO SCRATCH ROUTING SMALL & SAFE SMALL & SAFE This cutting center’s ergonomic design requires little space due to its small footprint of only 62 ft2. Its blades are activated with 2 handles on either sides of the cart keeping the operator away from the cutting area. NEAT CUT NEAT CUT The KT-M is equipped with a mobile cart positioned at the front and includes two blades of different diameters. These two blades work simultaneously in opposite direction in order to obtain a clean door cut. FIRM GRIP, NO SCRATCH FIRM GRIP, NO SCRATCH The KT-M has an anti-scratch pneumatic gripper clamping system that holds the door or side panel in place during machining. Cutting becomes possible by manually moving the carriage from right to left on the cutting rail. ROUTING ROUTING An optional router can be added to remove the insulation inside the door, either on the underside or in the side. This tool removes up to 2 inches deep into material, to place a new reinforcement block in the bottom or side of the door or side panel after the cut. It is also equipped with an adjustable stop system that limits the tool to move on its width and adapts to any door types. Tools A-  10’’ Clockwise Blade  B-  12’’ Counterclockwise Blade  C-  Insulation Removal Router    *optional Related Products KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE CLAIRE Series – EP-A Door Edge Machining Center FIND OUT MORE SANDY Series – SS-A Vertical Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE

SS-A Model – Vertical Door Machining Center

SS-A Model – Vertical Door Machining Center The SS-A is a vertical CNC machining center with 4 servo controlled axes and 6 virtual axes that can machine many doors per shift. The robust 10 252 lb machine reduces vibration and ensures high precision machining. This model is independent and all-in-one, unlike other machines that are part of EuGénie’s complete production lines. Occupying only a small 70 sq. ft., this model is the most compact of machining centers in the world. KEY FEATURES – Vertical CNC machining center with 4 servo   controlled axes and 6 virtual axes – Three dependent machining heads (3.7 kW, 3.3 kW & 1 kW) – Machinable materials: wood, steel, PVC and composite materials – Fully enclosed and safe machine – Automatic adjustment to the door width – Automatic infeed and outfeed  – User-friendly numerical control software FIND OUT MORE Product Video SECURE ALL-IN-ONE CLEAN WORK AREA BRILLIANT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECURE SECURE This model is the most compact of the machining centers in the world. The entire machining process is performed in a closed environment. In addition to reducing noise and dust, the hull that covers the machine also protects the operator from contact with moving parts of the machine. ALL-IN-ONE ALL-IN-ONE The SS-A machining center is equipped with three 3-axis machining heads, which allows machining all surfaces one after the other (surface, lock side, hinge side, top and bottom of the door). In order to machine the top or the bottom of the door, the latter can be inserted horizontally. CLEAN WORK AREA CLEAN WORK AREA In order to maintain a clean working area, this vertical door machining center is equipped with a large sliding drawer to facilitate the removal of machining debris. BRILLIANT BRILLIANT Equipped with intelligent and user-friendly software, the SS-A CNC machine can receive .CSV format production lists sent from a computer. Optionally, this machining center can also be equipped with a barcode reader to further facilitate the production. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height: 11′ 2″ Length: 12′ 9″ Width: 5′ 6″ Footprint: 70 sq. ft. Weight: 10 252 lbs Door width capacity: 9 3/4 – 48″ Door height capacity: 26 – 95″ Max door thickness capacity: 1 3/8 – 1 3/4″ Max steel sheet gauge capacity: 24 – 26 Tools A-  Surface electrospindle of ​​3.7 kW B-  Lock electrospindle of 3.3 kW     with single probe C-  Hinges electrospindle of 1 kW     with single probe Related Products KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE CLAIRE Series – EP-A Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE SANDY Series – SS-A Door Edge Machining Center FIND OUT MORE

EP-x Model – Door Edge Machining Center

EP-x Model – Door Edge Machining Center The EP-A is a 3-axis machining center (CNC) that can perform machining on either side of a door. This model is fully automated. It adjusts automatically to the width of the door when it is interconnected upstream with other EuGénie products such as the KS-S model, door machining center, from KATHY Series. KEY FEATURES – 3-axis numerical control machining center – Electrospindle of 3.3 kW – Machinable materials: wood, steel, PVC and composite materials – Fully enclosed and safe machine – Automatic door width adjustment – Automatic door infeed and outfeed – User-friendly digital control software FIND OUT MORE Product Video SECURE CUSTOMIZABLE DUST FREE SMART SECURE SECURE The entire door edge machining process is performed in a closed environment. In addition to reducing noise and dust, the hull that covers this CNC machining center also protects the operator from contact with moving parts of the machine. CUSTOMIZABLE CUSTOMIZABLE This CNC machine is equipped with a 3.3 kW electrospindle in position A. It is possible to add a multiple drill to position C. In the case where the C tool is selected, a single drill can be added at C2 position. DUST FREE DUST FREE In order to maintain a clean working area, this door edge machine is equipped with two large sliding drawers to facilitate the removal of machining debris. SMART SMART Equipped with intelligent and user-friendly software, the EP-A CNC machining center can receive production lists in .CSV format sent from a computer. Optionally, this door edge machine can also be equipped with a barcode reader to further facilitate the operation. Tools A- Electrospindle 3,3 kW  B- Pneumatic single drill B2- Pneumatic multiple drill Related Products KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE CLAIRE Series – EP-A Door Edge Machining Center FIND OUT MORE SANDY Series – SS-A Vertical Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE

KS-C Model – Door Machining Center

KS-C Model – Door Machining Center The KS-C model is is a machining center with 4 servo controlled axes and 6 virtual axes (CNC) capable of machining many doors per shift. The sturdy 8900 lb frame reduces vibration and ensures high-precision machining. This model can be interconnected with other EuGénie products such as the VE-1 loader / unloader from VICKY Series or TRACY Series conveyors to form a complete production line. KEY FEATURES – CNC machining center with 4 servo controlled axes & 6 virtual axes  – Three dependant machining heads (8 kW, 3.3 kW & 2.2 kW) – Machinable materials: wood, steel, aluminum, PVC, composite materials and fiberglass – Automatic adjustment to the door width – Automatic infeed & outfeed  – User-friendly numerical control software FIND OUT MORE Product Video ROBUSTNESS FLEXIBILITY PRECISION EASY To USE ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS The mecano-welded steel frame is very robust. The weight and strength of this machining center eliminate vibrations and ensure high precision machining. Completely closed, this machining center is among the safest on the market. FLEXIBILITY FLEXIBILITY The 3 machining heads offer multiple possibilities to companies wishing to perform multiple machining on the same door. The KS-C is an all-in-one solution that reduces the number of machines and operators required to machine doors. PRECISION PRECISION For an efficient production, this model is equipped with a double probe thanks to which each machining is just and precise. The possible deflections of the door are calculated thanks to the latter allowing the operations to be carried out to the highest precision. EASY To USE EASE OF USE All operations can be managed with the fingertips on the 12-inch colour touch screen. The interface of the digital control software is very user-friendly, making the configuration of machining parameters easy. Tools A-   Surface electrospindle 8 kW B-   Lock electrospindle 3.3 kW with single probe C-   Hinge electrospindle 2.2 kW with double probe C2- Single pneumatic drill or multiple electrical milling Related Products KATHY Series – KS-S Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE CLAIRE Series – EP-A Door Edge Machining Center FIND OUT MORE SANDY Series – SS-A Vertical Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE

KS-S Model – Door Machining Center

KS-S Model – Door Machining Center The KS-S model is a 7-axis machining center (CNC) able to machine many doors by work shift. The robust 7000-lb frame reduces vibration, ensuring high-precision machining. This model can be interconnected with other EuGénie products such as VICKY Series (door loader / unloader), CLAIRE Series (door edge machining centers) or TRACY Series (door conveyors) to form a complete production line. KEY FEATURES – Machining center with 7-axis numerical control  – Two independent machining heads   (8 kW & 3.3 kW) simultaneously – Machinable materials: wood, steel, aluminum,   PVC, composite materials and fiberglass – Fully enclosed and safe machine – Automatic adjustment to the door width – Automatic in-feed and out-feed  – User-friendly numerical control software – 4-spaces tool changer FIND OUT MORE Product Video COMFORT & SAFETY VERSATILITY RELIABILITY HIGH TECHNOLOGY COMFORT & SAFETY COMFORT & SAFETY Its design allows to keep an ergonomic posture when inserting the doors for maximum comfort, safety and efficiency. Its large drawer or debris motorized conveyor in option, facilitate the recovery of debris while its enclosed environment ensures a quiet work area. Dust collectors can be added with a dome as an option.  VERSATILITY VERSATILITY For an efficient production, this machining center is equipped with an automatic tool changer with which tool exchange is carried out directly in the machine and can hold up to 4 tools. RELIABILITY RELIABILITY This door CNC machine’s sensor avoids collisions between clamps and cutting tools for the production of machining without hassle and without production stop due to breakage. HIGH TECHNOLOGY HIGH TECHNOLOGY The execution of machining is done from a batch files sent from a computer or from the touch interface. The addition of the barcode reader system is an essential option to increase production speed. Tools A-    Surface electrospindle of ​​8 kW B-    Lateral electrospindle of 3.3 kW B2-  Pneumatic drill or milling tool Related Products KATHY Series – KS-C Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE CLAIRE Series – EP-A Hinges Machining Center FIND OUT MORE SANDY Series – SS-A Door Machining Center FIND OUT MORE